What You Need to Know About Rose Rosette Disease

Avid rosearians have long been aware of Rose Rosette Disease and its devastating effects. Rose rosette is the Emaravirus and it is spread from plant to plant by mites that are almost microscopic.

Although the mites are too small to see, the effects of rose rosette are quite obvious. Numerous small, red stems come off a single branch, which is the reason the disease is also called “witch’s broom.” And the stems of the affected plants have solid thorns all up and down the stem.

So far, there is no effective treatment for this disease, and research continues to search for rose varieties that may be more resistant. For now, a confirmed diagnosis of rose rosette means that roses must be dug up and destroyed.


A very serious outbreak of rose rosette struck the Dallas-Fort Worth area about five years ago. The Dallas Arboretum was forced to destroy the roses in its gardens. Many other landscapes were also affected.

Only a handful of cases of rose rosette have been confirmed in Wichita County, and the County Agent is tracking them.

If you suspect that you have rose rosette disease on any of your plants, DO NOT BRING THE SUSPICIOUS PLANT INTO OUR STORE, as the disease is highly contagious. Instead, take photos of the plants and bring them in to us, and we will help you decide what to do.