Smith’s Gardentown Gardening Calendar
Smith’s Gardentown Gardening & Seminar Calendar helps you with tips and suggestions to keep your landscape and plants healthy and beautiful! Plus, our educational seminars will provide you with the knowledge you need and want!

- Water trees, shrubs and flower beds thoroughly before a hard freeze. Plants suffer more from cold damage if they are dry.
- On nice days, work organic compost into your flower beds and garden plot.
- Build a raised bed for your vegetable garden – you’ll spend less time weeding and it’s easier on your back!
- Plant trees and shrubs.
- Remember birds need the extra protein and energy from suet and high-quality bird seed during cold weather. Don’t forget fresh water, too.

- Apply pre-emergence weed preventer to your lawn.
- Plant onions, seed potatoes, strawberries, asparagus and any trees or shrubs.
- Plant perennials.
- Plant other cool season vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce and brussel sprouts.
- Prune rose bushes after the 15th. Don’t prune crape myrtles.
- Spray dormant oil spray to kill over-wintering pests.

- Plant bedding plants that will take a light frost – like petunias, snapdragons, dianthus.
- Watch the weather and plant tomato and pepper plants after the danger of frost has passed.
- Apply Fertilome Systemic Insecticide drench to pecans, crape myrtles and euonymus to prevent scale and aphids.
- Plant perennials.
- Feed bird food with with extra calcium for nesting birds.
- Systemic Insect Drench.

- Plant any spring bedding plants.
- Make first application of Smith’s Premium fertilizer to trees, shrubs and lawns.
- Scalp Bermudagrass lawns to remove winter weeds and debris.
- Make bird food available now to help adult birds feed their babies.
- Put out clean hummingbird feeders.
- Baby birds like mealworms!

- Continue planting warm season bedding plants.
- Plant tropical color, like esperanza, hibiscus, bougainvillea and mandevilla.
- Plant caladium bulbs in shady beds.
- Make another application of pre-emergent to control summer weeds.
- Plant Bermudagrass from seed.
- Apply flea and tick control to yards.

- Apply three inches of bark mulch to flower beds to conserve moisture and help prevent weeds.
- Apply one inch of water per week to lawns, if we have no rain. Deeper, less frequent watering is better than frequent, shallow sprinkling.
- Apply Smith’s Premium fertilizer to lawns, trees and shrubs.
- Make application of grub control, as needed.
- Spray summer weeds as needed – bring samples to Smith’s for advice about which product to use.
- Apply Smiths Premium Fertilizer

- Watch all plants for signs of water and heat stress. Deep, soaking water for trees and shrubs once a week may be necessary. Water pots, bedding plants and hanging baskets more frequently.
- Dead-head summer flowers for more vigorous blooming.

- Continue with summer watering program.
- Plant fall tomatoes.
- Make another application of Smith’s Premium fertilizer to lawns, trees and shrubs.

- Make fall application of pre-emergence weed preventer to stop winter weeds.
- Sow fescue or rye seed.
- Plant pansies, ornamental cabbage and kale.
- Plant fall garden with cool season vegetables (cold crops).

- Visit Smith’s Pumpkin Patch!
- Purchase spring blooming bulbs like daffodils, tulips, hyacinth and crocus. Refrigerate tulips and hyacinths for 6 weeks before planting.
- Apply three inches of bark mulch to flower beds to help prevent winter damage and winter weeds.
- Plant trees and shrubs.

- Plant Trees and Shrubs.
- Visit Smith’s Christmas Shop!
- Place Poinsettia orders.

- Plant spring-blooming bulbs.
- Send Smith’s Poinsettias to neighbors and business associates.