Snobs with Clean Hands But Dark Hearts

A woman who is a professional gardener in another state recently shared an experience on a social media page I follow. On a very hot day, she was cleaning out some flower beds in a highway median. Hot and sweaty, she went to a nearby convenience store for a cold drink. Another woman walked in with her granddaughter and remarked … Read More

Sometimes We Have to Be Reminded of Why We are Here

This morning, I opened an email from HGTV  about the Ultimate House Hunt 2020. The article featured beautiful photos of hugely expensive homes from all over the world. What struck me most:  the vast majority of the photos were not pictures of bathrooms or kitchens. By far, most of the photos were of the exteriors of the houses,featuring stunning views, … Read More

The Year I Became a Gardener

You may think it odd. My family has owned a garden center for more than 70 years, and I have worked there for about 50 years. But this year, 2020, is the first year I became a real gardener. I am not alone. Millions of people, forced to stay at home by the Covid-19 shutdown, and possibly inspired by the … Read More

Smith’s Gardentown Named to Top 100 in U.S. for Fourth Year

Smith’s Gardentown Named to Top 100 in U.S. for Fourth Year For the fourth consecutive year, Smith’s Gardentown of Wichita Falls has been named to the Top 100 Garden Centers in America by Garden Center magazine. Smith’s moved up from #86 in 2018 to #79 for 2019. “This is a great achievement for our employees and our loyal customers in … Read More

I’ve done exactly the same thing…why isn’t it growing?

Why is it not growing?

We hear it every day: “I watered this plant exactly the same way I water the other plants. Why is this one dying?” Or a variation on the same theme: “I have always taken care of this plant exactly like this. Why is it dying now?” In both cases, the reason the plant isn’t thriving is because you are telling … Read More